Monday, November 7, 2011


I've had such a fun day today I can't even begin to describe it! My friend and I took the train to Karjaa this morning to go to VNF for a photoshoot my friend was arranging. We were making a re-make of Dior's Miss Dior Chérie - commercial, the one with the balloons, and it was sooo much fun!! my favorite commercial of all time, and now I got to be the model for the re-make, I was so honored and happy about it!

We had a blast the whole day, shooting from approx. 11 AM - to 5 PM and then wrapping it all up with some dancing and making fools out of ourselves before cleaning up and calling it a day. I can't wait to see the results, the pictures looked amazing already on the camera screen, I have a great feeling about them! :) I have some backstage footage and shall show them to you tomorrow when I have more time.

Now I'm going to hit the sack so that I am up and running tomorrow in the morning when my friend and I hit the road to the stable, she to ride her horse and me to greet my little prince who's closed inside the stable because he's ill. :( I'm so afraid that it's something serious, but hopefully he'll get better in no time!

Nighters everyone!

The cutest and prettiest commercial ever. <3

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