Friday, March 16, 2012


I am once again surfing tumblr at work since the lines are quite calm today. A very tired me + tumblr + cute animal gifs & pictures = worst combination ever.
I went to meet a friend to the hostel again yesterday and ended up drinking, playing the weirdest drinking game ever and then falling asleep on the couch while watching a movie in the middle of the night. So I've slept like... 3 hours maybe. And Blanca is coming over in just a couple of hours, waaaaaay to go. :D She's soooo going to love me being all hyperactive and giggly, hurraaay it's a paraaade.

Aaanyway, here are some funny pictures to brighten up your Friday if you're feeling low. Or just want to laugh, whatever floats ya boat.

That awkward moment when you’re really hungry and you’re eating with your friends.

Hahahaha. So true. And so cute!

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