Not that a I believe I have any readers to share this with, but since my lovely Seaweed linked my blog on hers, I thought I'd return the favor. So here you have it, the blog with the impossible name but even better posts that totally make my day each time dear Siiri finds the time to entertain me with her sillyness.
So here goes, go read about her awesome life living in London with her friend, living the dream and making me insanely jealous. :D
And moving on from Siiri to things totally unrelated to her.. Or sort of related to her since this reminded me of her. But I can't resist sharing my opinion of this certain man being so insanely cute it's sort of killing me. My Grint - crush is resurfacing again after too many hours in front of the computer watching Deathly Hallows.
Seriously, SO CUTE! <3 Gingers FTW, haters gonna hate or whatever.
Thank you my dear friend. And this is TOTALLY related to me since HP is my obsession and Rupert Grint was my first love. Oh, the agony of being ten years old and head over heels in love with that man... or boy as he was then. And I cant deny that I still think we should get married and have hundreds of beautiful ginger babies :D