Not that I believe I have so many readers that would care, but I'm gonna write this anyway.
I'm going to be off at the stable for a few days, just chilling and enjoying life at the stable while it's still sunny and somewhat warm outside. So no blogging during those days but when I get back, I shall keep on updating and keep the 30 day challenge going. :)
Monday, October 24, 2011
Day 21 - a change in your life
... is just about to happen.
If everything goes as planned, I will probably move to Sweden next January to work on a icelandichorsestable approx. 30 minutes from Stockholm.
I am so friggin' excited and hopefully everything will work out so I can actually move! Sadly I will most likely not be able to take Ófeigur with me, which is totally bringing me down and surely keeping me up nights, but there's nothing I can do about it. Hopefully there will be so much to do and a new, exciting life that will keep my thoughts away from Bloffe.
Sweden, here I ( maybe) come!
If everything goes as planned, I will probably move to Sweden next January to work on a icelandichorsestable approx. 30 minutes from Stockholm.
I am so friggin' excited and hopefully everything will work out so I can actually move! Sadly I will most likely not be able to take Ófeigur with me, which is totally bringing me down and surely keeping me up nights, but there's nothing I can do about it. Hopefully there will be so much to do and a new, exciting life that will keep my thoughts away from Bloffe.
Sweden, here I ( maybe) come!
I'm going to miss him so much it's gonna hurt.... :'(
Sunday, October 23, 2011
I've had like the laziest day in all human history today, for real. I have done absolutely nothing except chilling around in my bathrobe, eating, watching TV/Top Gear on the computer, eating some more and now about to go to bed again. What is up with days like this, this ain't healthy! I have to get out of this evil circle of just rotting at home.
Tomorrow is a new day, shall get something creative done, I swear!
Tomorrow is a new day, shall get something creative done, I swear!
Day 20 - somebody you trust
My sister, definitely. I don't think there's anything I wouldn't tell my sister if I had to, I can trust her to help me any time and to keep a secret if she really had to. Best sister in the world. <3
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Day 19 - this summer
.. was awesome.
And a little scary to be honest. This was the summer when everything changed, literally. People moved away, both near and very far away. People started studying or working. So this summer was a summer of change but nevertheless quite great. We danced, we laughed, we traveled, we lived. Enjoyed ourselves, really.
It was a little sad when it all ended, but sometime "things need to fall apart to make room for new, better things."
And a little scary to be honest. This was the summer when everything changed, literally. People moved away, both near and very far away. People started studying or working. So this summer was a summer of change but nevertheless quite great. We danced, we laughed, we traveled, we lived. Enjoyed ourselves, really.
It was a little sad when it all ended, but sometime "things need to fall apart to make room for new, better things."
Crayfish party with the family.
Wine evenings with Siiri.
Extempore cartrips to Kirkkonummi and Evitskog.
Moving the horses from Karjalohja to Lohja, 60 kilometers and 12 horses.
Estonia with Siiri.
And LOADS of other fun stuff!
Today, after meeting a few friends for drinks yesterday and then sleeping over at my friend Rebecca's place, I got on the tram to the Fair Center to go to the Fashion Fair 2011. My modeling agency gave us free tickets, so I thought why not. But everything didn't go exactly according to plan. First, when I got there, it turned out that the checkroom was full, so I had nowhere to put all my millions bags and my coat etc. So that wort of pissed me off. So I just had to carry all those things with me, with five billion other people in a crowded Fair Center and I didn't even find it that interesting. Nothing very exciting and fun to be honest... Went to say a quick hi to my model agency at their booth, but then I had enough of the crowd and headed home. On top of everything, I saw a man puke his friggin' guts out on the train station, which totally made me feel sick. So now I'm at home, tired, sorta annoyed at everything and everyone and just want to go to bed or something.....
Oh well, at least yesterday was fun, meeting all the friends from school I haven't seen in a long while.
Oh well, at least yesterday was fun, meeting all the friends from school I haven't seen in a long while.
I <3 fashion
Friday, October 21, 2011
Day 18 - something you regret
Hmm.... I guess I regret not taking opportunities when I was given them in the past. I tend to over think and easily end up passing instead of taking an opportunity when it comes up. It sort of bumms me out, but I can't really help it.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Day 17 - somebody you miss right now
I have to go with a cliché today; Ófeigur.
My sweet, cute, absolutely amazing, awesome and best friend Bloffis - Moffis. He's my best friend, an understanding companion whenever I need comforting and just a pair of listening ears. Sometimes it feels like he can read my mind, and for that I love him so much. <3
I haven't seen him in what feels like an eternity, but THANK HEAVENS I'm going to see him tomorrow since my mum and I are going to to the stable tomorrow. Yay!
My sweet, cute, absolutely amazing, awesome and best friend Bloffis - Moffis. He's my best friend, an understanding companion whenever I need comforting and just a pair of listening ears. Sometimes it feels like he can read my mind, and for that I love him so much. <3
I haven't seen him in what feels like an eternity, but THANK HEAVENS I'm going to see him tomorrow since my mum and I are going to to the stable tomorrow. Yay!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Today was probably one of the most fun modeling school lessons I've been on in a while. :D We were doing exercises to learn how to express different emotions with both our face and body. My friend Richard and I were supposed to act a couple on a honeymoon, so we just went for it with the holding hands and looking deeply into each others eyes. Then we sort of lost track of what we were doing, so I just improvised and tried to sort of hug/leap into Richards lap, which ended up in a weird "I'm going to cling on to you for dear life/I shall strangle you!" - hanging. :D So when he got the hint that he was supposed to take me in his lap, he tried but ended up showing my butt to the whole class, basically. :'D Thank God I was wearing leggings and could just laugh it all off, certainly broke all the tension there was left in the classroom.
After that it was time to just do faces and act weirdly in front of the mirror and camera. Fun times. Altho' the fun sort of ended there since on my way home, God, Zeus or whoever, decided it was time to friggin' soak me and all hell broke lose as the thunderstorm began. Bloody awesome if you ask me, I hate when it's raining cats and dogs horizontally, add a dash of loud and scary lightnings to the batch and vóla, you basically have me shitting my pants.
Oh well, now I'm safe and sound at home, cursing the weather to the depths of hell and about to enjoy the rest of my evening with some chocolate and a movie. Some lame romcom I think is on the agenda. ;)
After that it was time to just do faces and act weirdly in front of the mirror and camera. Fun times. Altho' the fun sort of ended there since on my way home, God, Zeus or whoever, decided it was time to friggin' soak me and all hell broke lose as the thunderstorm began. Bloody awesome if you ask me, I hate when it's raining cats and dogs horizontally, add a dash of loud and scary lightnings to the batch and vóla, you basically have me shitting my pants.
Oh well, now I'm safe and sound at home, cursing the weather to the depths of hell and about to enjoy the rest of my evening with some chocolate and a movie. Some lame romcom I think is on the agenda. ;)
Day 16 - your favorite memory
Oh God, how the hell am I going to pick one?! I have so many.
But I guess a few of my favorite memories include my days in the stable, adventures with Siiri, doing stuff with people from school, traveling and so on.
One of the greatest memories from the stable include Tvistur, my friends now unfortunately dead horse, that I did so much fun stuff with. Went swimming for the first time, rode bareback without a bridle, posed with in wonderful pictures and so on. He was truly one of the best horses that I've ever met and ever will meet.
All the stuff we did with the school have also left a significant mark in my heart, especially the school trip to Göteborg in my first year. That was one of the most amazing trips I've ever been on, it was SO much fun! Also the trip to Exeter last year was awesome, and we still meet up with the group that was on that trip, to catch up and reminisce all the fun.

But I guess a few of my favorite memories include my days in the stable, adventures with Siiri, doing stuff with people from school, traveling and so on.
One of the greatest memories from the stable include Tvistur, my friends now unfortunately dead horse, that I did so much fun stuff with. Went swimming for the first time, rode bareback without a bridle, posed with in wonderful pictures and so on. He was truly one of the best horses that I've ever met and ever will meet.
All the stuff we did with the school have also left a significant mark in my heart, especially the school trip to Göteborg in my first year. That was one of the most amazing trips I've ever been on, it was SO much fun! Also the trip to Exeter last year was awesome, and we still meet up with the group that was on that trip, to catch up and reminisce all the fun.
Last summer with Siiri was one of the most fun holidays I've ever had, and left a whole bunch of great memories. And immediately when I get the money, I'm going to travel to London to meet my favorite girl and create even more awesome memories!!
Oh, I get all nostalgic looking at these pictures. Good times man, good ol' times...
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
I got an urge to paint my fingernails in some funky style so I went with Union Jack. Quite pleased with the result, watcha think? :)
The right one doesn't look quite as good as the left hand to be honest.... Quite tricky to paint with a small brush on small nails.
Just for the fun of it and to show my gratitude to her, here's a post dedicated to my dear Sputnik Sulkkis Salami - Salka. <3 Miss you LOADS and can't wait to see you as soon as le possiblé!
I am currently stumbling with a few decisions I have to make sooner or later this year.
I'm planning on moving to either Sweden or to Estonia next January to work with horses and that way keep my dearest Bloffe in my life. I've realized I can't live without him, but the only way I can "keep" him is to take him with me if I'd move somewhere else and work with icelandic horses. Since I don't want to stay in Finland - want to get a wider picture of the world so to speak - I'm now planning on either Sweden or Estonia.
But I can't chose. There are so many factors contributing to my choice, and my head is already spinning.
I'm planning on moving to either Sweden or to Estonia next January to work with horses and that way keep my dearest Bloffe in my life. I've realized I can't live without him, but the only way I can "keep" him is to take him with me if I'd move somewhere else and work with icelandic horses. Since I don't want to stay in Finland - want to get a wider picture of the world so to speak - I'm now planning on either Sweden or Estonia.
But I can't chose. There are so many factors contributing to my choice, and my head is already spinning.
Day 15 - your last kiss
Oooh, what a bold one. This is a trap isn't it! :D
My last, proper kiss was to a certain, very handsome guy from my other home country, maybe a month or two ago.
( Does a dream where I totally made out with Tom Felton count as well? Cause that happened three days ago....)
But my niece, the best, cutest and most adorable Patricia, got/gave me a kiss two days ago as well so that should count! We always hug and give kisses when we leave, she's seriously the cutest thing on earth!
My last, proper kiss was to a certain, very handsome guy from my other home country, maybe a month or two ago.
( Does a dream where I totally made out with Tom Felton count as well? Cause that happened three days ago....)
But my niece, the best, cutest and most adorable Patricia, got/gave me a kiss two days ago as well so that should count! We always hug and give kisses when we leave, she's seriously the cutest thing on earth!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Day 14 - the last time you cried
Hmm, good question. The last time I actually cried "properly" was maybe a few weeks ago. I was feeling overwhelmed and lost about life, and I made things even worse by listening to sad music at the same time. Not a good combo.
The last time I sort of sobbed was maybe two days ago while watching Deathly Hallows. The death of Dumbledore always gets me and I couldn't stop a few tears from rolling down my cheeks.
The last time I sort of sobbed was maybe two days ago while watching Deathly Hallows. The death of Dumbledore always gets me and I couldn't stop a few tears from rolling down my cheeks.
Beautiful fall weather
Since the weather is simply incredible today, with warm sunshine and a light breeze, I thought it was a good day to hit the roads and go walking around without a heading. Ended up walking around and then visiting my grandmother who lives nearby. Unfortunately she's not in a very good shape anymore, physically nor mentally, and it was sort of sad to see how old and fragile she has actually become. :(
Besides that I've just walked around and listened to music for myself, thinking and just relaxing. Hopefully I'll get my thoughts figured out sooner or later.
Besides that I've just walked around and listened to music for myself, thinking and just relaxing. Hopefully I'll get my thoughts figured out sooner or later.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
To my surprise, I actually dragged my ass out to the cold fall weather and went for a powerwalk with my best friend - my iPod. <3 It's actually nice to walk on the empty streets and just float away in your own thoughts.
And speaking of thoughts, I'm sort of confused and a little sad at the moment. I really have this painful longing to travel abroad, go to London, New York, Barcelona, Rome, Cairo, anywhere else then home. But there are so many things stopping me, both practical and mental to be honest....
I really envy people that have what it takes to just pack their stuff and move abroad. Like my friends Siiri, Tuuli,the Sannas and so on, have done. I always thought I was a strong and quite an independent person, but now I realize that I'm way too insecure to actually do what they have done - move somewhere else to follow my dreams. I wish I could be that impulsive and optimistic.
At the moment I just wish I had my life more sorted out. There was a picture somewhere with a quote "I wish I was still in that age where you thought you'd have everything figured out by the time you were as old as I am now." or something in that direction. And that is exactly how I feel right now.
I don't want to be lost. I want to feel good about myself and feel like there's a bright future ahead. Right now the future just looks dull and sort of hopeless. And I'm tired of it, but don't know what to do about it
Day 12 - what you wore today
I was too lazy to do this yesterday, so I'm rain checking it today.

Look of the day.
I haven't been outside all day and don't plan on doing it either so I'm just lazying around in my favorite baggy sweater, a pair of lose leggings and my sweet old woolen socks my mum made for me a few years ago. Necklace borrowed from my mum.
It's not a very fashionable look but ever so comfy, you have no idea. If I know I'm going to be staying inside all day, I'm most likely wearing either this or my bathrobe.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
We can never know what we can never know
Some mysteries I'll never understand
the way the Earth rotates around the sun
three minutes shorter every day.
Or the way the dead are gone.
Or putting down the phone
or turning a corner.
The future: that's another whopper.
We can never know what we can never know
except, that whoever you are,
and whoever I am,
you made it all right to be me.
the way the Earth rotates around the sun
three minutes shorter every day.
Or the way the dead are gone.
Or putting down the phone
or turning a corner.
The future: that's another whopper.
We can never know what we can never know
except, that whoever you are,
and whoever I am,
you made it all right to be me.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Returning the favor
Not that a I believe I have any readers to share this with, but since my lovely Seaweed linked my blog on hers, I thought I'd return the favor. So here you have it, the blog with the impossible name but even better posts that totally make my day each time dear Siiri finds the time to entertain me with her sillyness.
So here goes, go read about her awesome life living in London with her friend, living the dream and making me insanely jealous. :D
And moving on from Siiri to things totally unrelated to her.. Or sort of related to her since this reminded me of her. But I can't resist sharing my opinion of this certain man being so insanely cute it's sort of killing me. My Grint - crush is resurfacing again after too many hours in front of the computer watching Deathly Hallows.
Seriously, SO CUTE! <3 Gingers FTW, haters gonna hate or whatever.
Day 11- your room
I'm like... waaaay to tired to take a picture of this mess right now, so I'm just gonna go with an old one from last year I think.

Now when I think about it, I think this picture is almost 3 years old since that table is now gone and replaced by a much smaller and prettier computer table, the bed is replaced by one almost twice the size and the hideous lamp on my night stand is gone and replaced by my sweet Phillips Wake Up Light. But you get the main idea, a square shaped room with wooden floor, a window towards south and boring white walls. Not that interesting and well decorated but I like it, it's cosy. <3
Now when I think about it, I think this picture is almost 3 years old since that table is now gone and replaced by a much smaller and prettier computer table, the bed is replaced by one almost twice the size and the hideous lamp on my night stand is gone and replaced by my sweet Phillips Wake Up Light. But you get the main idea, a square shaped room with wooden floor, a window towards south and boring white walls. Not that interesting and well decorated but I like it, it's cosy. <3
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Day 10 - your purse
Hmm, tricky one. Jag byter väska nästan varje dag beroende på outfit så att säga, men kan väl ta en titt in i gårdagens väska och se vad den bar med sig.
Gårdagens väska of choice:

Brun Betty Barclay, köpt från vintage butik. Älskar den. <3
ett part klackskor ( som jag hade med till övningarna )
vit läderplånbok
liten hårbortse ( beroende av att hålla mitt hår i shack!)
iPod <3
Maybellines dream matte mousse - burk för eventuell korrigering av sminket
farmors gamla vintage solglasögon, älskar dem
blistex läppomada
replikpapper till reklmaövningarna
samt min lilla Canon Ixus som dessa bilder blev tagna med

Gårdagens väska of choice:
Brun Betty Barclay, köpt från vintage butik. Älskar den. <3
ett part klackskor ( som jag hade med till övningarna )
vit läderplånbok
liten hårbortse ( beroende av att hålla mitt hår i shack!)
iPod <3
Maybellines dream matte mousse - burk för eventuell korrigering av sminket
farmors gamla vintage solglasögon, älskar dem
blistex läppomada
replikpapper till reklmaövningarna
samt min lilla Canon Ixus som dessa bilder blev tagna med
Ooh how interesting aye. :D
Whoa it's been a while.
Typiskt vah. Man får massvis med annat och göra så man glömmer bloggen tooootally bort. Snyggt gjort Bae. Men anyways, nu är jag back on track again efter ett långt och hääärligt veckoslut på stallet tillsammans med massa jäkligt trevliga människor. :) Red kurs för min fd. arbetsgivare från Island, Sara Ástþórsdóttir, som är en helt sjukt trevlig människa och helvetis duktig hästkvinna.
Efter hemkomst har det varit modellövningar som igår satte sig in på ansiktsuttryck i olika sinnestillstånd. Sjukt rolig övning! Efter träningarna bar det av till Iguana med Mimmi för att snacka lite skit och dricka världens godaste drink. <3
Nu skall jag försöka göra nästa inlägg för att keep the challenge going!
Efter hemkomst har det varit modellövningar som igår satte sig in på ansiktsuttryck i olika sinnestillstånd. Sjukt rolig övning! Efter träningarna bar det av till Iguana med Mimmi för att snacka lite skit och dricka världens godaste drink. <3
Nu skall jag försöka göra nästa inlägg för att keep the challenge going!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Lång dag
Idag har jag befunnit mig på FMA - s kontor hela dagen typ. Det var casting för deras Model Hunt - program dit min catwalk - lärare hade sagt att jag skulle söka. Spenderade hela dagen i bikini och högklackade medan vi snackade skit med alla andra modelle, ganska trevligt faktiskt! Denna gång var jag inte just vad de sökte, men som man så vackert säger på finska "paska reissu mutta tulipahan tehtyä!" Hahaha.
Insåg först efteråt, då jag fick höra att jag inte var med i finalerna, hur mycket jag faktiskt ville vara med, blev ganska besviken så klart. Men ibland måste det gå lite sämre för att man skall kunna njuta av det goda i livet, eller hur.
Imorgon har jag min första arbetsdag på Stockmann i Hagalund, Skall jobba på kvinnornas skoavdelning, gonna be fun!

Insåg först efteråt, då jag fick höra att jag inte var med i finalerna, hur mycket jag faktiskt ville vara med, blev ganska besviken så klart. Men ibland måste det gå lite sämre för att man skall kunna njuta av det goda i livet, eller hur.
Imorgon har jag min första arbetsdag på Stockmann i Hagalund, Skall jobba på kvinnornas skoavdelning, gonna be fun!

Day 7 - your first love
Hmm, snackas det om first love as in när man var en liten snorunge och var kär i en dagiskamrat eller real love as in "I love you with all my heart" - love?
Ifall det snackas om love som i en stark förälskelse som liten så var det nog någon gång i högstadiet när jag hade en galet major crush på en klasskamrat. Han var dösnygg och sjukt trevlig i mina ögon, var helt besatt liksom.
Men ifall vi talar om äkta kärlek och så, så måste det nog vara mitt ex. Vi var ihop i över två år och var verkligen ett udda par. Vi var helt annorlunda som personer, men jag antar att motsatserna kompletterar varandra, right? Dock tog det slut lite före vi blev studenter. Något jag helst inte tänker tillbaka på för att vara ärlig....
Hoppeligen hittar jag ny äkta kärlek igen inom snar framtid. Real, honest love is the greatest thing on earth.
Ifall det snackas om love som i en stark förälskelse som liten så var det nog någon gång i högstadiet när jag hade en galet major crush på en klasskamrat. Han var dösnygg och sjukt trevlig i mina ögon, var helt besatt liksom.
Men ifall vi talar om äkta kärlek och så, så måste det nog vara mitt ex. Vi var ihop i över två år och var verkligen ett udda par. Vi var helt annorlunda som personer, men jag antar att motsatserna kompletterar varandra, right? Dock tog det slut lite före vi blev studenter. Något jag helst inte tänker tillbaka på för att vara ärlig....
Hoppeligen hittar jag ny äkta kärlek igen inom snar framtid. Real, honest love is the greatest thing on earth.
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